
Sitedish Success Stories

At Sitedish, we focus on helping ordering and takeout restaurants and nothing tells our story better than the experiences of our valued customers. Be inspired by success stories that attest to the power of Sitedish and discover how we have contributed to the success of these delivery and takeout restaurants.

Oriental Green House

“We offer both a Japanese (Teppanyaki) and a Chinese-Japanese menu with sushi and tasty small dishes such as pancakes with Peking duck, but also a luxurious lobster dish. We also have a large delivery service where both kitchens can be combined. We deliver in Eindhoven, Veldhoven, Waalre, Valkenswaard, Eersel, Geldrop, Heeze, Leende, Best and Nuenen.


Slijs was founded in April 2019 by 2 friends who were actually ready for something new: “Joost was in construction and has been an ice cream vendor in the past. I myself am a graphic designer and was a pizza chef at Vapiano in Amsterdam during my studies. The passion for pizza and ice cream was so strong that Slijs was born.”

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