Is Morus

Francesco and Giuseppe, owners of Is Morus, share their thoughts! We asked them about the benefits they experience through Sitedish…

  • 1
    “Independence. Due to the high commission costs of third-party platforms, with Is Morus, we chose to exclusively use the Sitedish ordering environment and not be present on third-party platforms. This has allowed us to save on commission costs, and we’ve seen a significant increase in revenue. Since we started delivering, the activity in the restaurant area has not decreased, and all delivery orders have added to our revenue as pure additional income.”
  • 2
    “Because the Sitedish system operates so clearly and efficiently, it’s easy for us to control. No unnecessary features.”
  • 3
    “Recently, we’ve also started using a Business Sitedish Account. Our business clients often place large orders, and this business account allows them to order in advance and pay on account. This is very convenient for both our clients and us!”
  • 4
    “By using the Marketing Tools, we ensure that our customers stay with us. We use loyalty cards, and customers who haven’t ordered for a while receive an automatic message with a discount code to bring them back. The upselling feature is also ideal and contributes significantly to our revenue growth.”
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    “Building a customer base towards our own ordering environment was easy for us. Through posters in the shop, flyers, social media, and word of mouth, we quickly built our own customer base.”
  • 6
    “Insights into our restaurant has increased tremendously through the statistics and data reports in Mijn Sitedish. This has several advantages:

    • We extract the most popular postcodes from this data so that we know in which delivery areas we should expand.
    • We can see which (new) dishes sell best/worst, allowing us to adjust our menu accordingly.
    • It provides a clear overview of which drivers deliver the most/least orders.
    • The data also gives us insight into who our most loyal customers are so that we can thank them with, for example, a discount code.”